Friday, August 14, 2009


Lately I've been using the internet alot to help me study the Bible. Not just any ole' Christian websites, but ones that adhere to the belief that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God & that we should base everything that we do off of that. Computers really arent a bad way to learn, there are some good websites out there to help you along in your studying, and to state things more clearly or in a different way than you interpreted something. Everyone should give it a try sometime! The one that I use the most is It's help me to understand many things that I previously had no clue where I stood on it because I had no clue what it meant. Well, I just wanted to share that! Have an awesome day.

Question: What is everyones favorite passage of the bible?


Thursday, August 6, 2009


I haven't done one of these since xanga became basically non-existent! I figured I'd give it another try. Hopefully someone will be interested in something that I have to say, lol. Have a blessed day.
